Tooth bonding, we use it in a lot of different ways. We can use it for a filling, we can use it for a fractured tooth. It really works as a good treatment right away. So you don’t have to come back for multiple appointments in general. You come in, we can bond a tooth that day, let you go out and you feel more confident from a fractured tooth or taking care of a filling. Another way that we use bonding is sometimes as we continue to have birthdays, we get a little recession into our teeth and we get these areas that may be aesthetically challenging, what we call black triangles.
And we oftentimes can use bonding to make those black triangles go away or appear that they’ve gone, they’ve disappeared, just by adding a little bit of material in between the teeth. So if you ever have a fractured tooth or a space that you don’t like or something that you’d like to change, we would love to have you here at Sisters Dental, and let us take a look at it. And if bonding is the right thing for you, then that’s the treatment we will make for you.