Dental crowns and bridges and any type of fixed prosthetic, that’s what we call them in dentistry, are used for a lot of different reasons. We can use them on a tooth that has a fracture to help hold that fracture together and prevent the tooth from fracturing more. And we can use it for aesthetics. So sometimes we do crowns on teeth so that people have a beautiful smile and get the wider, better shape that they’re looking for in their teeth. Patients come to see us with a lot of different needs.
Sometimes they need a crown done quickly. Sometimes they want just the right shade or the right color, or just the right shape. And so we can attack that from different angles by we do have an option to do crowns here in the office. So if it needs to be something that’s done fast and quickly, we can get that done. If you’re looking for something that you need more of an aesthetic touch to it, we work with a bunch of different labs, dental laboratories that will come into the office themselves and talk with you and listen to you to try and get exactly what you want and do custom-shade matching. Ultimately, we want you to be happy. And so when you leave here, if you’re happy, you tell your friends you’re happy, and that’s what we want.